Water Ionizers & Pre-filters: Magic Combination Against Unsafe Drinking Water

Posted by: Rhona Reid On March 5, 2021 12:00 pm

There are more combinations of tap water contaminants than ever before. The cocktail of toxic elements that your tap water contains will be different to someone living in another part of the country.

When it comes to water filtration, one size does not fit all. In order to protect yourself and your family, you need to take a bespoke approach to cleaning up your water.


Water Ionizers and Pre-filters


What’s in Your Water? FREE Report!

First, you need to know exactly what’s in your water. We make this part easy – simply request your FREE Water Report from Tyent and we’ll work with you to find the right solution.

Installing a Tyent water ionizer at home means that you can filter out …

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Can a Water Ionizer Help Improve Bone Health?

Posted by: Rhona Reid On January 28, 2019 5:04 pm

Having strong bones is something we should all be aiming for. Maintaining good bone health is a vital area of wellness that often gets less attention than pursuits such as building muscle, weight control, and cardiovascular health.

bone health
We all need strong and healthy bones and a water ionizer can help!

In fact, many of us don’t pay too much attention to the state of our bones until we have a reason to…such as getting osteoporosis or bone fractures.

But like how so many other things in life work – prevention is much better than cure.

How to Improve Your Bone Health

Steps to Take For Healthy, Happy Bones!

Taking the proper steps to ensure good bone health now is a …

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7 Water Ionizer Benefits! [INFOGRAPHIC]

Posted by: Rhona Reid On December 20, 2018 3:00 pm

To better understand the advantages of alkaline water, here are the 7 benefits of ionizing water.

RELATED: 101 Reasons To Love Tyent Water Ionizers: Health Benefits And More

In this article:

  1. Avoid Dehydration
  2. Antioxidants to Combat Free Radicals
  3. Weight Loss Support
  4. Hydrogen Water Benefits
  5. Mineral Water
  6. How To Wash Fruits and Vegetables
  7. Clean, Safe Water You Can Trust

Water Ionizing Benefits That Boost Your Health

Click here to jump to the infographic.
Water Ionizing Definition: The process of raising water pH to alkalinity by electrolysis.

Praises for Ionizing Water

water ionizer | 7 Benefits of Water Ionizing
We always love to hear someone singing our praises!

You know that alkaline water delivers all kinds of brilliant benefits, but what are the top reasons that most people sing the …

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Young NASA Scientists: Winners Announced!

Posted by: Rhona Reid On September 15, 2018 11:03 am

Back in May, we featured a young scientist competition in which a group of East Coast youngsters were named finalists in the NASA “OPSPARC” Challenge.

Is there a future Tyent water ionizer engineer here? Credit: bdpatoday

Their innovation?  Using NASA-inspired technology to clean up lead-contaminated water in schools for fellow students using a two-stage filtration jar, designed to filter the water and remove impurities.

The Winners are Announced!

We have some great news for anyone who followed the progress of these young scientists!

The winners have now been announced and we’re thrilled that Bria Snell, India Skinner, and Mikayla Sharrieff were awarded the second prize in the finals of the competition in the Grade 9 -12 category!

Tyent would

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What to Look for When Buying Dog Food

Posted by: Rhona Reid On September 8, 2018 2:17 pm

Walking down the dog food aisle at a supermarket or pet store can be pretty intimidating!

There are so many dog food brands to choose from…including those well-known commercial brands that say their dog food is “the best.”

It’s easy to get “decision fatigue” about which brand of dog food to buy if you don’t know how to differentiate between what’s healthy and what’s not healthy for your dog to consume.

dog food
Credit: Playbuzz

So, how can you know which brand of dog food is right for your dog?

We know that every bite of food your Shih Tzu or small dog takes can be beneficial or detrimental to their health – so make sure you look at all the facts, …

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Tyent Water Ionizers – Winning All the Way!

Posted by: Rhona Reid On July 25, 2018 9:34 pm

At Tyent, we’re not just about alkaline water and water ionizers – we also like to keep abreast of breaking water news, as well as applauding achievements.

With that in mind, we’re happy to pass on the news that the US Water Alliance has announced the winners of the US Water Prize 2018!

water ionizers
Tyent Water Ionizers Win Again!

One Water, Six Winners

Presented at the 2018 One Water Summit, which draws together 875 key water leaders from around the country, the prestigious award recognizes outstanding efforts in the development of sustainable solutions to the challenges facing America’s water network.

Winners are drawn from the public and private sectors, as well as recognizing individual achievements, such as that of Louisville …

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Keep Your Cool – Water Ionizers to the Rescue!

Posted by: Rhona Reid On July 16, 2018 3:11 pm

Do you find that the summer heat leaves you struggling to keep your cool in the sun?

We hear you – which is why we recommend drinking Tyent alkaline water from one of our water ionizers!

water ionizers
Feeling beaten by the heat? Consider using water ionizers. Credit: Digital Trends

Water ionizers have all kinds of tricks up their sleeve to help you beat the heat as the summer temperatures rise. What’s more, you’ll love every one of the benefits that a water ionizer can provide you, such as:

Cooling Facial Spritz

If you feel like you’re melting during the summer months, keep a spray bottle of pH balanced ionized Tyent alkaline water in the refrigerator to spritz on your face …

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Recognizing Sleep Deprivation & What to Do About It

Posted by: Rhona Reid On July 14, 2018 1:01 pm

Everyone gets a bad night’s sleep now and then. But, did you know that every time you get less than seven hours of sleep, you enter a state of sleep deprivation?

The less rest you get, the more severe the effects of sleep deprivation become.

sleep deprivation

While some of the symptoms of sleep deprivation are obvious, there are other symptoms that you may not have considered. The good news is that improving your sleep environment and sleeping habits can help you get the rest you need!

What Does Sleep Deprivation Look Like?

Some signs of sleep deprivation are obvious like sleepiness, fatigue, and frequent heavy blinking, while other symptoms like appetite changes are more difficult to recognize.

A few symptoms of …

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Dehydration is Bad News for Men – Here’s Why

Posted by: Rhona Reid On July 9, 2018 6:26 pm

So, we recently talked about the symptoms that young healthy women experience because of dehydration, but what about the dehydration symptoms found in men?

Could your career be affected by dehydration?

The Difference Between Men and Women

The clinical trials that we mentioned in our last blog post were carried out on both men and women, but the results were published separately. Interestingly, the men in this fascinating study showed several similarities to the women’s study, but also a couple of surprising differences.

Just like in the women’s clinical test conditions, the men were young, healthy and fairly active. The test results of mildly dehydrated males were compared to the results of fully hydrated test subjects.

Tension and Anxiety?


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Dehydration in Women – What Does It Trigger?

Posted by: Rhona Reid On July 7, 2018 12:05 pm

Be honest…have you been a little snappy with anyone lately?  Maybe you felt your patience being stretched a little bit or you felt as though you can’t concentrate on an important task? Dehydration in women is a big problem!

Dehydration isn’t just about feeling thirsty…

Mood Control and Mental Focus

If you’ve encountered low-key symptoms relating to your mood or cognitive abilities, you could try drinking a little more water – particularly hydrogen-rich alkaline water from Tyent water ionizers.

A fascinating study from the University of Connecticut Human Performance Laboratory found that even mild dehydration causes headaches, lack of mental focus, and the ability to control our mood.

“Our thirst sensation doesn’t really appear until we are 1% or 2%

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